We return from the break to a video package recapping Tiffany Stratton cashing in her Money in the Bank briefcase weeks ago to win the WWE Women’s Championship. We then see Byron Saxton backstage live for an interview with Tiffy-Time about her first defense tonight.
WWE Women’s Championship
Tiffany Stratton (c) vs. Bayley
It’s main event time!
Inside the arena, Bayley’s theme hits and out she comes for her big title opportunity in our main event of the evening on this week’s show. Roxanne Perez is shown sitting in the front row as Bayley poses on the ropes in the ring. We head to a quick pre-match commercial break.
A Charlotte Flair return vignette airs when the show returns. The lights go out and we hear, “It’s Tiffy-Time!” On that note, the new WWE Women’s Champion Tiffany Stratton makes her way to the ring for her first title defense.
Following the formal pre-match ring introductions for the champion and the challenger, the bell sounds and this one officially gets off-and-running. After some basic opening back-and-forth action, we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break.
When we return, Stratton, who had been enjoying a comfortable offensive lead throughout, finds herself on the defensive as Bayley starts to fire up on offense. Bayley goes for a big dive through the ropes to Tiffy on the floor, but Tiffy blasts her with a big shot coming out.
Tiffy smashes Bayley’s dome off of the steel ring frame. Bayley climbs up to the ring apron after nearly being counted out, only for Tiffy to kick her back to the floor. Tiffy comes out after her, but walks into a Bayley-to-belly.
As both ladies are down and recovering on the floor at ringside, the show heads into a second mid-match commercial break as this high stakes championship main event continues. When we return, Tiffy tries cartwheeling into an Alabama Slam, but Bayley slams her on the commentary desk instead.
Bayley suplexes Tiffy off the table and onto the unforgiving floor. She stops to jaw with Roxanne Perez in the front row. Back in the ring, Bayley hits a big elbow drop off the ropes for a close two-count. Bayley hits a modified F-5 for another close two.
Bayley looks for Rose-plant, but Stratton counters. Stratton looks for a move, but Bayley counters. Tiffy double-counters into a cartwheel Alabama Slam. She hops on the ropes and connects with the Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the win.
With the win, Tiffy-Time continues as Stratton retains her WWE Women’s Championship in her first defense. That’s how this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!
Winner and STILL WWE Women’s Champion: Tiffany Stratton
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